How it all began…
While taking care of my mom, I began to burn candles with my favorite scents. Within a few days, she had come down with serious respiratory issues directly caused by the carcinogens in the off the shelf, mass-market candles we were burning. When the doctor’s diagnosed her with sarcoidosis, we knew there had to be a better way. We wanted to get incredible scents without compromising our health. When we figured out how, we launched Sacred Ashes.
Many of us never consider the possibility that the products we’re using are poisoning us.
But, that’s exactly what they’re doing. We recommend finding a candle that is 100% Natural Blend- which may contain Soy, Beeswax, or Coconut oil. Using these ingredients ensures you are safe, clean, and healthy while inhaling the scents that come from the fumes emitted. Or, you could skip the hassle and buy one of our handmade, 100% eco-friendly and safe-to-burn candles. Click “Materials” in the bottom right corner to learn more about what we use when making our candles.